Small Lamp

Small Lamp

  • État: Utilisé - Bon
7,00 CHF

7,50 CHF incl. Protection Acheteur

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Colis, à partir de 7,00 CHF
7 articles vendus
Introducing the little beige bedside lamp - perfect for a little touch of lighting in your decor.

I've used it many years, so it has a small stain on the lampshade (see last image), and the lamp base has some defects due to the coating.

Not a fan of the lampshade? No problem, simply replace it with one that you love more 💡

Length of the cable is around 95cm

Disclaimer: the lampshade color is a bit more pink than the images show it. Colors is #ffece2 (just copy/paste in google to see the real color)
  • État: Utilisé - Bon
  • Diamètre: 14.0 cm
  • Hauteur: 21.5 cm


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